One day, I was walking on the street with a friend. We saw a man ahead of us that looked a little eerie. We thought about crossing the street so we wouldn't have to pass him on the sidewalk. Instead, we stayed on the path, smiled, and said "Hi". A few seconds after passing, the man turned around and called us over. Reluctantly, we turned around and walked back to the man. He had a smile on his face and thanked us for saying hi. He said he was thinking about ending his life, because he couldn't find any joy in this world. Our simple smile and greeting changed his mind. We helped make a possitive change in his life. That experience also helped change my life.
The challenge to make a change started with a simple goal: challenge people of all walks of life to make a positive change in the lives of others. The world is in need of goodness and hope. We can help fill this need. Take this challenge, change the life of another person, and you'll see a change in your life. Let's make the change the world needs.